How do you make type annotations available to the users of your library?

Well, you just type annotate your library, right?


But let’s step back for a moment.

Flask 2.0 goes full type annotations

This morning I read David Lord’s announcement that Flask, Jinja, Click, Werkzeug, MarkupSafe, and ItsDangerous are now fully type annotated, and new releases will be available next week.

Ok, as I typed Flask-Reuploaded almost a year ago, I certainly noticed that Flask was not typed back then, but external type information was provided via typeshed, which I remember lively, as I had to add a missing type annotation for Werkzeug.

I wonder how…

I immediately wondered, how the type checkers then would know whether to use the inline type information or the type stubs from typeshed.

Anthony Sottile responded on the Twitter thread, that PEP 561 handles this and he linked to one of his videos.

In short - you need to include an empty py.typed in your repository/package.


So, this basically means the applied type annotations have been in vain - for almost an entire year.

I am not the only one bitten by that. I am in very good company.

By the way… py.typed has to be in your package root, not necessarily in your git root!

Make mypy and co aware of your type annotations

So, we know what to do, but how?

This depends on your build backend… and some more things, like whether you prefer or setup.cfg, whether you prefer to use package_data or rather include_package_data and use a

Nobody claimed Python packaging is easy!

After adding py.typed to my repository, the indispensable check-manifest told me what to do:

❯ check-manifest 
lists of files in version control and sdist do not match!
missing from sdist:
suggested rules:
  include *.typed

or simply add e.g. …

include src/your_package/py.typed

P.S.: Do not forget to add the include_package_data=True directive to your, otherwise py.typed will be included in the sdist, but not in the wheel.

Sounds logical? Right… :-/

If you do not use a, but setuptools with a

    package_data={"your_package": ["py.typed"]},

While we are at it… take care that py.typed is not matched by exclude_package_data.

Got it? Almost :-)

You also need to make sure you have the zip_safe=False directive set.


If you prefer a setup.cfg over a

your_package = py.typed

setuptools and pyproject.toml

If you prefer to use a barebones setuptools project with a pyproject.toml based configuration file, without a setup.cfg, you need to add the following lines:

"*" = ["py.typed"]


If you are into poetry, there is great news.

Poetry actually includes everything that’s part of the package source tree in your distribution, so py.typed is included out-of-the-box, no configuration needed.


The same is true for flit! Just create py.typed and add it to your git repository.


I want to end this journey into the depths of Python packaging with the famous words of a colleague on mine:

“Kaum macht man’s richtig, schon geht’s.”

(Translation: When you start doing it the right way, it will eventually work out.)



  • Glyph struggled to find the right way to include py.typed in a pure setuptools project without an setup.cfg, but only with an pyproject.toml configuration file, but eventually figured it out. Added it to the above list.


  • David Lukeš reported a problem with the poetry section. Previously, it included an even wrong configuration snippet. Good news! Poetry automatically packages the files in the source tree of the package. Thanks so much for your feedback!
  • After David reported how poetry packages files, I really wanted to know how flit is doing this. So I created a package with flit and updated the blog post with my findings.