More infos about the sprint

  • 10 local sprinters
  • 2 remote sprinters (Jens Vagelpohl and Dieter Maurer)


  • Steffen
  • Jens Klein / Martin Häcker
    • created a pull request to improve the zodpupdate script
    • created / extracted plone/zodbverify which can be used to check ZODB before the Python 2 -> 3 migration
  • Jeremy
    • worked on porting recipe.testrunner to Python 3 and had some fun with doctests
  • Nilo
    • worked on an issue for RestrictedPython
    • is about fixing a regression in ZCatalog, where sorting does no longer work
  • Jens Hinghaus
    • worked on tempstorage
    • found and filed a bug in ZMI when using search
  • Michael
    • is about preparing the roadmap for the final release of Zope 4 (yee-haw)
    • made a ton of releases for packages from the Zope universe
    • spread rumors that the release date of Zope 5 won’t be in a very far future
  • Jürgen (me)
    • found Dieter’s comment about why so many Travis builds break with Python 3.8 => clear cache and restart build, did this for lots of broken builds
    • revised the subsection about “Exceptions” of the Zope developer’s guide and found and filed a bug in zExceptions; also experienced some strange behavior with custom exceptions which inherit from BaseException (don’t do this at home) with waitress

Also, Jens Vagelpohl and Dieter Maurer contributed a lot by adding valuable insights to some complicated discussions, reviewed a lot of pull requests… Jens also added documentation about how to daemonize Zope 4 on a systemd powered Linux box and fixed on old bug with importing ZEXP files.

Some more positive news…

Matthew Wilkes announced some updates on the upcoming merger of the Zope into the Plone foundation, and thus the improvements on the onboarding for new developers concerning the committer agreement.

other than that…

We have plenty of fun here. The venue is great - the food is excellent! Basti, the new cook, really rocks the kitchen!