Do you love Python?

I certainly do.

Have you ever thought how cool it would be to contribute to it?

Sounds scary? It is not!

Python, or more specifically CPython as the reference implementation of the Python programming language is called, is an open source project like any other - nothing magical.

Other resources

While there are many great resources out there to prepare you for the first contribution, such as

Where would I start

So, maybe I was wrong. There is something magical about contributing to CPython, or at least seeing my changes merged and even backported to older versions still gives me goose bumps.

❯ git worktree add -b specify-rglob-pattern ~/worktrees/cpython/specify-rglob-pattern Preparing worktree (new branch ‘specify-rglob-pattern’) Updating files: 100% (4453/4453), done. HEAD is now at b84be8d9c0 Docs: improve sqlite3 placeholders example (#101092)


Patterns are the same as for :mod:fnmatch, with the addition of “**” which means “this directory and all subdirectories, recursively”. In other words, it enables recursive globbing::

  Patterns are the same as for :mod:`fnmatch`, with the addition of "``**``"

which means “this directory and all subdirectories, recursively”. In other words, it enables recursive globbing::

make -C Doc/

❯ make venv -C Doc/

❯ make -C Doc/ html

The HTML pages are in build/html. Writing glossary.json

❯ google-chrome Doc/build/html/index.html

GH-101112: Specify type of pattern for Path.rglob

The documentation for rglob did not mention what pattern actually is. Mention and link that pattern is the same as for fnmatch, which shows helpful syntax in its documentation.

❯ git push fork

click on link

delete comments below

be sure to target main branch

google-chrome go