April 19, 2021

How Many Zope Repositories Are Compatible With Pypy?

Today, Johannes Raggam asked on the Plone/Zope community forum whether Zope is able to run on PyPy. While I am not entirely sure, and I have some vague memories about potential problems with RestrictedPython, I can certainly grep the almost 300 Zope repositories for signs of PyPy support. The best sign of PyPy support is IMHO that we run tests for it :-) In order to grep in all repositories I use all-repos written by Anthony Sottile....

April 6, 2021

How to Replace an URL in All Repositories

Recently Anthony Sottile, one of the maintainers of Flake8, announced on Twitter that the source code repository of Flake8 was moved from GitLab to GitHub. Those of us, who also use Anthony’s pre-commit, now should update their .pre-commit-config.yaml file. Though there is no hurry, as the repository on GitLab will stay as a mirror. For one of my repos the .pre-config-config.yaml looks like this: repos: ... - repo: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8 rev: 3....

March 29, 2021

How to Restrict All Repos Grep to Specific Files

Back at the end of 2020, when Travis announced you need to move your open source projects from https://travis-ci.org to https://travis-ci.com, I wanted to know in which README files I used the link to the org-site - of the many, many repositories I manage. That is a textbook example what you can do with all-repos. A naive way would be to grep in all repositories like … all-repos-grep travis-ci.org Instead of grepping in all files, it is a better idea to restrict the search to only README files....

March 5, 2021

How to Find All Repositories in a GitHub Organization Which Do Not Follow the Src Layout?

Let’s say, while not everybody is convinced, that the so-called src layout is a great idea, at least it is a trend in the Python eco system. And, e.g. Hynek has written about good reasons to use the src layout. While my personal and work repositories (mostly) follow the src layout, what about the almost 300 Zope repositories? all-repos to the rescue I really love to play with all-repos, an awesome tool to manage and manipulate a large amount of git repositories....

February 25, 2021

How to Restrict All Repos to One Github Organization

Especially, when maintaining many, many git repositories at once, Anthony Sottile’s all-repos is a bliss. You can easily grep for text or find files in, or even apply patches to hundreds or thousands of repositories at once, which I already described in a blog post. all-repos has a configuration option, which allows you to clone and manage all of your GitHub repositories at once. Mine looks like… { "output_dir": "output", "source": "all_repos....

October 28, 2020

How to Update All Zope Repositories at Once

Most or even all zopefoundation repositories use Travis for CI (As of May 2021, this is no longer true: we use GitHub Actions now). While Travis offered Python 3.9 as a dev version (3.9-dev) for quite some time, support for 3.9 final took a while. That’s why we decided to run Travis with Python 3.9-dev. Meanwhile Travis finally offers support for Python 3.9 final, so we have to update all repositories, which would be super tedious by hand....