October 24, 2022

How to Update Cargo

Today I saw a Tweet by Marius Gedminas, who wrote about lfs, a replacement for df. It is one of the many tools, implemented in Rust, which offer some more features compared to their bash alternatives. What about no When I tried to install it, I just saw the following error message: ❯ cargo install lfs Updating crates.io index Downloaded lfs v2.6.0 error: failed to parse manifest at `/home/jugmac00/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/lfs-2.6.0/Cargo.toml` Caused by: feature `strip` is required The package requires the Cargo feature called `strip`, but that feature is not stabilized in this version of Cargo (1....

April 22, 2022

How to Cargo Install a Package With Additional Features

Meanwhile you may have heard that there are a couple of new CLI apps out there written in Rust - blazing fast and with additional features. While I rarely use them, as I do not want to get used to tools, which are not available on all Linux machines I work on, I do use ripgrep regularly, as it really makes a difference, especially in speed. Yesterday, I wanted to use ripgrep with PCRE2 (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions), but when I tried it, I got this error message:...