May 28, 2021

How to Delete Anonymous Docker Volumes on Tear Down

On one of our servers, there is a demo application installed for our customers. The application, which consists of two docker images, is managed by a docker-compose.yml file. As the customers are able to change the data, the containers and the attached volume are torn down every night, and then rebuilt. Monitoring made me aware, that we are running low on disk space. Turns out the volumes do not get deleted with the current cronjob:...

May 5, 2021

How Can You Reclaim Some Disk Space From Docker

If you use Docker containers, and who doesn’t these times, you need to take care that Docker does not accumulate a lot of cruft. remains of docker run If you start a container via docker run, and without the highly recommended option --rm, the exited Docker container will still leave some remains on your system. In my case oO… ❯ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c14c0bd0d850 jetbrains/youtrack:2020....

October 29, 2020

What Is the Difference Between Docker Create, Docker Start and Docker Run

In order to be able to answer this question, you have to know that there are Docker images Docker containers Docker images are blueprints or templates. Docker containers are the instances, created from the images. docker create creates a container from an image docker start starts a container docker run creates a container and starts it note Trying to use the run command twice results in something like…...