July 10, 2023

Anonymous Hyperlinks

Today, I looked something up in our documentation, and noticed an unformatted link. `launchpad-mojo-specs <https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-mojo-specs>` This is reStructuredText - a file format for structured data. While many people have switched to MarkDown, which is unarguably easier to read and write, I still like reStructuredText as it is very powerful. The above link does not get rendered as a hyperlink, as it misses a trailing underscore. I was about to add it, and directly commit, but luckily I tried to render it first....

May 7, 2022

How to Render a Single ReStructuredText Document

Today I came across ubuntu-archive-tools which is a great set of scripts to help administer the Ubuntu archive. The project consists of Python scripts only, is not packaged, and the repository comes with no setup documentation. After I have figured out which dependencies the project needs, I wanted to add a minimal documentation, so the next user has an easier start. So, I created a README.rst, added some information… and huh, how would I render the file locally to make sure I have not messed up the syntax?...