October 5, 2021

How to Debug SSH Issues

In order to set up a development environment for Launchpad, I needed to install and run lxd. After launching my first container, I wanted to ssh into it, but was not successful. Basically, now you have two ways to find out what is going on. Run the ssh command again with -v, so you see more output. ssh -v user@host The other choice is to go into the container and start the ssh server in debug mode....

July 22, 2020

How to Audit and Harden an SSH Client

You probably know how to harden an SSH server, or at least heard of it. e.g. do not offer weak ciphers, or do not allow root login… But did you know you can and also should harden your SSH client? step 1 - auditing your SSH client terminal 1 git clone https://github.com/jtesta/ssh-audit cd ssh-audit python3.8 ssh-audit.py -c # c = client audit; this starts a ssh server on port 2222 terminal 2 ssh localhost -p 2222 Now, switch back to terminal 1 and have a look at the output - it all should be green - but it won’t....