Currently I am publishing the documentation on for a lot of projects.

I was asked that the menu, which is shown at the bottom of the main page, should be also listed in the sidebar.

You need to know that menus are tocs in the Sphinx world, short for table of content.

initial sitution

  • one long document with code examples (index.rst)
  • menu at the bottom (keyword: toctree), referencing CONTRIBUTING.rst and NEWS.rst

An Application object represents a web service described by a WADL

# many lines

.. toctree::


show the menu

In order to show a menu on the left (location depends on the used theme), you need to add/update a html_sidebars entry in the, the configuration file for Sphinx.

html_sidebars = {
    '**': [

This shows the global table of contents on each page.

Other valid options are:

  • searchbox.html -> shows a search box
  • relations.html -> shows links to the previous and next documents

This worked, but there was no link to the page itself, ie the contents of index.rst.

Once you clicked on one of the links, there was no obivous way to get back to the main content.

Adding index worked, but generated a couple of circular reference warnings.

The solution was to use self to reference to the same page.

This worked, but the menu looked a bit off, as the link items were capitalized, just as the contents of the toc.

improve formatting

For the toc the filename is used as a title by default, which is not always a good fit.

Luckily, you can use a special syntax to use arbitrary titles.

Just put the document name in angle brackets, and the text before.

final menu

 .. toctree::
    Contributing <CONTRIBUTING>
    News <NEWS>