Once I opened this one project, CPU load went through the roof and just did not stop.

There is not much source code in the repository, but a lot of build artifacts get generated by it.

I am using VS Code now for quite a while, and especially for this one repository, and I never noticed problems, until recently.

As most of the time extensions are the cause for problems, the VS Code team even provides a kind of bisecting mechanism to help find faulty plugins.

The bisect session ended with no “winner” :-/.

Then, I learned from a tweet by Anthony Shaw that VS Code even has a process explorer!

Well, the explorer did not show any increased CPU usage - but top still showed it is caused by VS Code.

As this was only one repository, I switched to vim.

End of story… nope!

Thanks to another tweet, this time by Jens Klein, I know how to work around the problem.

It is caused by VS Code’s file watcher.


You need to exclude folders with many files from VS Code’s file watcher.

Go to settings, start typing files.wa... and then add the “problematic” directory, e.g. **/problematic_directory/**.

Jens tried to report the issue, but it was closed as duplicate.

Turns out, this is a known problem for five years!