Today I wrote a CSV export with many, many columns, where in my Python code each column was calculated on a single line.

So, in order to get the number of columns, I selected all related lines and in the status bar I saw the number of all selected chars! wat?


After some searching on Google and StackOverflow I came to the conclusion…


a) you have to install an outdated plugin

b) or you

  • open a terminal
  • open your file in vim
  • use visual mode and select the lines

c) or you copy paste the lines into an empty file and do a wc -l

d) or you copy paste the lines into a new buffer/file and have a look at the total lines

There are several many, many issues on the VS Code issue tracker about line count.

They were all closed and it was recommended to install a plugin :-/

Even without knowing anything about the security model of VS Code I won’t ever install an outdated plugin from some random repository for doing such a basic task.


money quote

Considering this is “VS Code” and not “VS Word,” I find it hard to believe that most users care about the number of characters selected.
