In Germany the corona numbers go through the roof, many school classes are already under quarantine, so there is no more time to waste and I need to setup a laptop for my son.
I still own a 2012 Samsung 900X4D A02DE, which after upgrading RAM and SSD still works decently.
As the laptop has no CD drive, I need to setup a USB stick to install a new operating system.
You probably want a decently fast stick with at least 4 GB free space on it.
While the laptop initially came with Windows 7, in the meanwhile I mostly ran Fedora.
As my son is only in the first grade, he has not yet learned English in school, so I need to set up an operating system with German language.
Ubuntu is my favorite operating system, and as I run it on my laptop, I can use the “Startup Disk Creator” which comes pre-installed with Ubuntu.
The app is super simple:
- choose an ISO image
- choose the destination = USB stick
Just click on “Make Startup Disk” and wait a couple of minutes.
Thanks to the maintainers of this super simple, but nonetheless valuable tool!