When you both use black and isort, which you probably should, you will notice that they both touch the import statements.

When you now use both tools e.g. via pre-commit, it could happen that both tools play ping-pong with each other, as both tools modify the source code, and then report a failure.

This is especially “funny”, when both tools report modified source and a failure, but basically at the end you have a git repository with no modifications, as the one tools fixes the other’s changes.

Anyway, this is well known. You can configure isort to work together with black by using the following configuration (e.g. in pyproject.toml):

profile = "black"
multi_line_output = 3

This is also well documented in isort’s documentation.

Now, you can imagine my surprised face when - although I applied this configuration - both tools still kept playing ping-pong.

After some time spending with GitHub issues, I finally found the solution:

When you configure black to use a custom line length, you need to do the same for isort!

So, the complete configuration needs to look like…

line-length = 79

profile = "black"
multi_line_output = 3
line_length = 79

And well, at the end I saw isort’s documentation is mentioning this already at the top of the page in the Tip box :-)