Recently Anthony Sottile, one of the maintainers of Flake8, announced on Twitter that the source code repository of Flake8 was moved from GitLab to GitHub.

Those of us, who also use Anthony’s pre-commit, now should update their .pre-commit-config.yaml file.

Though there is no hurry, as the repository on GitLab will stay as a mirror.

For one of my repos the .pre-config-config.yaml looks like this:

-   repo:
    rev: 3.9.0
    -   id: flake8
        - flake8-click==0.3.1
        - flake8-bugbear==20.1.4

I can easily replace the URL in the above configuration file, but what if you maintain 5, 10 or 300 repositories?


This is a prime example for using all-repos, with which you can clone and manipulate many, many repositories at once.

I have been using it intensively for the last six months, and I also wrote about using it a couple of times, but this time there is something new I learned.

While all-repos offers many command line tools, all-repos-sed is the one we need to use this time.

Imaging using sed, the stream editor, but not on one file or repository, but on all of them.

A common sed command looks like this:

$ sed 's/unix/linux' hobbies.txt

Which means

  • in the file hobbies.txt search for the first occurrence of unix
  • and replace it with linux

Note, that the slash is used as a delimiter.

putting it all together

So, we need to use all-repos-sed and we have to replace an URL - with slashes!

Do we need to escape the slashes?

Turns out no - you can use any character as delimiter, it does not need to be a /.

all-repos-sed --commit-msg "Update repository URL for Flake8" s# -- '.pre-commit-config.yaml'

Let’s break it down:

  • all-repos-sed - like sed but applied on all repositories and on all files
  • --commit-msg "Update repository URL for Flake8" - just the commit message for git
  • s# - replace the old with the new URL; please note that I used # as a delimiter
  • ‘.pre-commit-config.yaml’ - but only in the given configuration file